Blog #2: Fractions

Grade Level: 3rd 
Standard: NY-3.NF.3B

This standard states, 
Recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Explain why the fractions are equivalent.

Objective/Goal: to comprehend how fractions in general as being built out of unit fractions, and use fractions along with visual fraction models to represent parts of a whole.

Fractions have always been a favorite topic of mine because you can see them anywhere because shapes are everywhere. So, I decided to challenge myself and complete a worksheet about equivalent fractions based on visual fraction models. This worksheet, Matching Equivalent Fractions by, included circles and rectangle shape models and required me to draw matching lines from the number to the letter. This worksheet was fun yet challenging because I had to double check if I was simplifying the fractions or not. It also helped writing the fractions on the side of the shape if the image became confusing at times. For this worksheet, it requires you to select the equivalent fraction that matches it exactly. For example, number 4 matches letter A because they both show parts to whole of 4/12. The answer could also be any of the shapes that matches it to 1/3 which is what 4/12 is simplified. But, that's the fun of it- not to get tricked! 

This worksheet provides an excellent way for students to visualize fractions and understand how equivalent fractions can be represented across different shapes. 


  1. Hello! I think this is a great way to show students that while fractions may look different from one another they can still be equal. This worksheet gives students the opportunity to look at a number of different fractions and compare them. Students are known to struggle with this topic, so it is a great way to intro them to simplifying fractions.

  2. Hi! Nisath!Really love the idea that using shapes and different colors to teach fractions. Students could have a better understanding of fractions that are equal. Nice job!


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