Blog #5- Introducing Addition
Grade Level: 1st
Standard: NY-1.OA.1
This standard states,
Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve one step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and/or comparing, with unknowns in all positions.
For this mini-lesson, I wanted to dive into introducing addition to students in the first grade. I've always wondered how such a foundational thinking can be implemented as this skill is needed for years beyond grade school. This lesson is for after already having introduced addition via number bonds and other interactive ways for first graders. For this lesson, the lesson objective would be: I can learn how to add to a set. The materials needed would be a "Fill Up the Fishbowl" worksheet, goldfish crackers or coloring materials. Students for this activity would draw fishes in their bowl and then record that amount. Next, they would add more to the fishbowl and record down that number as well to add. Lastly, they should record the sum on the worksheet. This will allow students to practice writing number sentences.
I love this mini-lesson because now only is it interactive, but students can choose between using goldfish crackers and they can instead just draw the fishes. To make it more interesting, the teacher can add a spinner to make the numbers even more randomized.
This is so cute Nisath! I love the interactiveness of this lesson, and that you included different ways the teacher can conduct it (goldfish crackers vs. drawings). Additionally, by incorporating art into the lesson, students may be less likely to get stressed out by addition. I also love how you separated addition from any other operations, and focused on one specific skill.