Blog #4- Products of whole numbers

Grade Level: 3 

Standard: NY-3.OA.1

This standard states, 

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Represent products of whole numbers. 

This standard specifically states for students to interpret products of whole numbers. For example, students can be asked to interpret 4 x 3 as there are 4 groups of 3 objects in each. So, it's important for students to understand that the first factor represents the rows if doing an array and the 3 represents the columns. As an introductory lesson, I would incorporate the I-do, we do-you do method for completing an introductory worksheet with students to understand that numbers can be seen as groups. I love that this worksheet is simple and the images are familiar enough for all students to identify.  If this worksheet doesn't work for everyone, you can use online math manipulatives or use counters for students to visually make groups. 

Students would then get a second day to practice what they learned, because this topic can be long due to having to use multiplication and repeated addition. This would also transition to the 4th day's lesson about division. For the 2nd day, the teacher can provide students to do a do now about showing a repeated addition and a multiplication equation based on an image. The core of this lesson would be about partner work and using this worksheet below to see and understand the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication. At the end of the day, students should receive candies for their consistent hard work! 👏

For the 3rd day, I would then allow students to use their devices such as the school laptops to play a candy game about multiplication. This would be an interactive game for students to learn how to match the multiplication expression to the correct candy. This game may not be ideal for everyone because it is auditory and visual based. The game uses sounds like, "select the candy with 4 columns" or "5x5". 

If students are done playing the game, they can move on to this worksheet which further enhances the learning standard. 

For day 3 and 4, students will then move onto practicing multiplication equations using word problems. These word problems would have subparts labeled a to d that would ask questions like what is the total ___, what is the repeated addition of___, what is another way to show ____. The students would be put into a group of 4 and each group gets a word problem on a large poster paper. Each student is responsible for a part and this would be a form of assessment. Day 4 would continue this group work and then students will present it. 
