Blog #9- Telling Time

Grade Level: 2nd

Standard: NY.2.MD.7

This standard states,
Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks in five minute increments, using a.m. and p.m. Develop an understanding of common terms, such as, but not limited to, quarter past, half past, and quarter to.

How to read a clock like an analog is important to tell time, so we can measure days and nights as well as any events coming up in the future. It's important to distinguish between seconds, minutes, and hours for students so they can tell what time it is at that moment and can tell what the shorter hand versus what the longer hand means on a clock. Another important component is to tell which hour the shorter hand is at. If the shorter hand, or the hour hand, is between two numbers then you would use the number that comes first. Students should also be taught that the clock goes by fives for the minute hand, and in one minute increments in between those numbers. For beginner lesson, it's important to introduce little at a time such as focusing on just the hour hands and telling minutes that falls on the fives like 5, 10, 15, and so on. 

So for 2nd graders, I would introduce the hour hand then the minute hand and provide worksheets that show how half hours looks like to any minute hand that falls on the fives. I would give notice how there are small minute hand markers in between these numbers still. To transition from this, I would give students dry-erase sheets that shows an analog clock and markers and ask a series of time questions for them to draw for me. This would allow me to assess if they are including the numbers 1-12, the minute and hour hands, and including the correct time. This would lead to a fun mini project where students can draw out a schedule of their day and include the time for it as well. The image above is an optional choice to complete or students can create their own version of their schedules however they like. Additional worksheets for early finishers can be provided like the images below. 


  1. Hi, Nisath!
    I really like your activity for this class. I love that you not only provide clocks to let students read the time, but also give students some specific time to ask them to draw a clock with those times. I think this definitely helps them have a better understanding of the learning content.


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