Blog #10- Graphing Skittles
Grade Level: 3rd Standard: NY.3.MD.3 This standard states, Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in a scaled picture graph or a scaled bar graph. Recently, the third graders in my student teaching class moved on to the topic of graphing and they really enjoyed learning through this activity that requires few materials. You'll need enough skittles for groups of students to sort by color, graphing worksheet, color pencils, little cups to sort each color, and an anchor chart to do it with the students. The goal of this activity is for students to compare their prediction to the actual number of skittles counted per color. They will do this by making a prediction by answering, "How many skittles do you think there are in total? Which color do you think will have the most in your bag?" and then transition to making a ...