
Blog #10- Graphing Skittles

Grade Level: 3rd  Standard: NY.3.MD.3 This standard states,  Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in a scaled picture graph or a scaled bar graph. Recently, the third graders in my student teaching class moved on to the topic of graphing and they really enjoyed learning through this activity that requires few materials. You'll need enough skittles for groups of students to sort by color, graphing worksheet, color pencils, little cups to sort each color, and an anchor chart to do it with the students.  The goal of this activity is for students to compare their prediction to the actual number of skittles counted per color. They will do this by making a prediction by answering, "How many skittles do you think there are in total? Which color do you think will have the most in your bag?" and then transition to making a ...

Blog #9- Telling Time

Grade Level: 2nd Standard: NY.2.MD.7 This standard states, Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks in five minute increments, using a.m. and p.m. Develop an understanding of common terms, such as, but not limited to, quarter past, half past, and quarter to. How to read a clock like an analog is important to tell time, so we can measure days and nights as well as any events coming up in the future. It's important to distinguish between seconds, minutes, and hours for students so they can tell what time it is at that moment and can tell what the shorter hand versus what the longer hand means on a clock. Another important component is to tell which hour the shorter hand is at. If the shorter hand, or the hour hand, is between two numbers then you would use the number that comes first. Students should also be taught that the clock goes by fives for the minute hand, and in one minute increments in between those numbers. For beginner lesson, it's important to introduce lit...

Blog #8- Concept Teaching Game

Concept math game:  Ten frame mania TangMath has provided students an interactive way to practice their ten-frames for math class and for use outside of school. In this game the directions are, "Show every number on the ten frame before a ball makes it through the maze.". This requires students to think fast and be on their toes to create the number that's on the ball on their ten-frames. As the game progresses, so do the numbers and the ten-frame allows the options of quickly pasting 1, 5, and 10 counters at once. It's a fun and interactive way for students to learn their basic number facts and skip-counting skills. 

Blog # 7- Order of Operations

Grade Level: 5th Standard: NY.5.OA.1 This standard states,  Write and interpret numerical expressions - Apply the order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions.  I have always enjoyed reading a mathematical expression and having to solve figure out which operations to complete first. It is almost like a puzzle to read the expression and then follow the "P E M/D A/S" rule. PEMDAS is an acronym for the words parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. For solving questions that requires the order of operations, such as (5+2^2) x 32, we would look at the inside of parentheses first and then solve the exponents if there are any which in this case I do. So then it would look like (5+4) x 32. Next, the parentheses is still unsolved so we would find the sum for it which is 9. The rules needs to be followed left to right always. Then the expression would be 9x32. There are no more parentheses, exponents, or any other operations left so all that...

Blog #6- Anchor Chart of Distributive Property

Grade Level: 3rd  Standard: NY-3.OA.5 This standard states,  Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division: 5. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.  For this post, I wanted to relate it to what I am observing while student teaching for third graders. They learned the commutative property a few days ago and now they're learning about distributive property of multiplication. At first, the method they were learning through confused me. I only recalled learning this property through parentheses and distributing the number outside of a parentheses to the two factors. But, this method is about breaking up a large multiplication equation or the arrays and trying to turn them into smaller facts since students know how to do those multiplication facts.  In this method, students are required to draw their arrays according to the question. My question required me to draw 3 rows of 6 in each. Next...

Blog #5- Introducing Addition

Grade Level: 1st Standard: NY-1.OA.1 This standard states,  Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve one step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and/or comparing, with unknowns in all positions. For this mini-lesson, I wanted to dive into introducing addition to students in the first grade. I've always wondered how such a foundational thinking can be implemented as this skill is needed for years beyond grade school. This lesson is for after already having introduced addition via number bonds and other interactive ways for first graders. For this lesson, the lesson objective would be: I can learn how to add to a set. The materials needed would be a "Fill Up the Fishbowl" worksheet, goldfish crackers or coloring materials. Students for this activity would draw fishes in their bowl and then record that amount. Next, they would add more to the fishbowl and record down that number as well to add. Lastly, they s...

Blog #4- Products of whole numbers

Grade Level: 3  Standard: NY-3.OA.1 This standard states,  Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Represent products of whole numbers.  This standard specifically states for students to interpret products of whole numbers. For example, students can be asked to interpret 4 x 3 as there are 4 groups  of 3 objects  in each.  So, it's important for students to understand that the first factor represents the rows if doing an array and the 3 represents the columns. As an introductory lesson, I would incorporate the I-do, we do-you do method for completing an introductory worksheet with students to understand that numbers can be seen as groups. I love that this worksheet is simple and the images are familiar enough for all students to identify.  If this worksheet doesn't work for everyone, you can use online math manipulatives or use counters for students to visually make groups.  Students would then get a second day to ...

Blog #3- Place Value & Bundling

Grade Level: 1st Standard: NY-1.NBT.2 This standard states,  2. Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.  a. Understand 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones, called a "ten".  b. Understand the numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.  c. Understand the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). For this standard, students need to understand three components to fully grasp that in 2-digit numbers, there is a tens place and a ones place. For instance, even when explaining an answer or solving one, students need to say "2 tens and 5 ones " if they want to say 25. The place value topic is a vital foundation to instill into students as young as to first graders.  Even now with my third grade while doing student teaching, they are recalling the base ten numbers ...

Blog #2: Fractions

Grade Level: 3rd  Standard: NY-3.NF.3B This standard states,  Recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Explain why the fractions are equivalent. Objective/Goal: to comprehend how fractions in general as being built out of unit fractions, and use fractions along with visual fraction models to represent parts of a whole. Fractions have always been a favorite topic of mine because you can see them anywhere because shapes are everywhere. So, I decided to challenge myself and complete a worksheet about equivalent fractions based on visual fraction models. This worksheet, Matching Equivalent Fractions  by, included circles and rectangle shape models and required me to draw matching lines from the number to the letter. This worksheet was fun yet challenging because I had to double check if I was simplifying the fractions or not. It also helped writing the fractions on the side of the shape if the image became confusing at times. For this worksheet, it requ...

Blog #1: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Grade Level: 3rd  Standard: NY-3.OA.3 This standard states,  "Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities."  I chose this topic because it was one of the first topics within the NYS's Next Generation Standards. Also, I will be completing my student teaching in a 3rd grade level class. Another reason is that I want to better solve equations that involves equal groups using multiplication and/or division. My goal for this lesson is for students to understand how to take word problems and know when to use multiplication or use division and represent it through  drawing or equations. During my initial assessment and looking at lesson plans, I came across educators implementing worksheets, videos, and even games which helped me feel more confident in producing an artifact because of these vast resources.   Objective: Students will be able to represent multiplication and div...